#T3Learns Slow-Chat Book Study: Blindspot – Hidden Biases of Good People

#T3Learns Slow-Chat Book Study

Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People

by Mahzarin R. Banaji & Anthony G. Greenwald



Come Learn with Us

As we have done the last few years, it has been energizing to kick off the new year with a book study through the T3Learns community. It is important, that as educators ourselves, we continue to grow and learn.

The book study has been a wonderful opportunity, midway through the school year, and after the holiday season, to refocus on important education issues. We have covered topics ranging from the importance of content to teaching practices in making learning visible and an exploration of the heart of teaching.


This year, based on the recommendation of a number of educators, we are excited to select the book, Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, authored by Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald.

It is valuable as educators that we explore these issues and how they can impact the learners under our care. 

Slow Chat Book Study Format

Beginning January 20, we will cover a designated section each week, ending the week of March 2. We will use Twitter as a place to share our thoughts with each other, using the hashtag #T3Learns.

Join in anytime and search using  #T3Learns to catch up on the comments of others. We will also post a summary of Twitter posts using Wakelet.

We love the slow chat book study as you are not required to be online at any set time. Instead, share and respond to others’ thoughts as you can. Great conversations will unfold – just at a slower pace.

When you have more to say than 280 characters, we encourage you to link to blog posts, pictures, or other documents. There is no need to sign up for the study – just use your Twitter account and the hashtag #T3Learns when you post your comments. 



Don’t forget to search for others’ comments using the hashtag #T3Learns.

Need to set up a Twitter account? Start here

If you need help once we start, contact us (see below).

Book Study Schedule

We have established the following schedule and daily prompts to help with sharing and discussion.


Date   Chapter(s) Title(s)
Jan. 20, 2020   Preface,
1 & 2
Mindbugs & Shades of Truth 
Jan. 27, 2020   3 Into the Blindspot
Feb. 3, 2020   4 “Not That There’s Anything Wrong with That!”
Feb. 10, 2020   5 Homo Categoricus
Feb. 17, 2020   6 The Hidden Costs of Stereotypes
Feb. 24, 2020   7 Us and Them
Mar. 2, 2020   8 Outsmarting the Machine

Daily Prompts

We encourage you to post your responses to these prompts each day. 


Monday Sentence / Phrase
Share a quote that is meaningful, engaging, or thought-provoking to you.
Tuesday Connect
How do these ideas connect to what you already know?
Wednesday Extend
What new ideas extend or push your thinking in a new direction?
Thursday Challenge
What do you see as challenges? Ideas for addressing challenges?
Friday Insight
After reading this chapter, I used to think, now I …

Two documents are available for you to make a copy for your Google Drive or download in a format that is convenient for your use.

  • Printable sticky-note template of the daily prompts can be downloaded as a Word docx or as Google doc.
  • Document for note taking or to draft Twitter posts can be downloaded here


Contact Information

The moderator will be Kim Thomas

Please contact her or myself (kspry@ti.com) if you have any questions.

-Kevin Spry


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