Teachers Teaching with Technology: Professional Learning Community

T3 – Leaders of the Community


Teachers Teaching with Technology or T3, has been a vibrant professional learning community for 30 years.
(next year’s conference in San Antonio will be our 30th).

I had the privilege of speaking to key leaders in our community, the day prior to the opening of the T3 International Conference in Chicago.

As one who has been a classroom teacher, and a T3 Instructor, I have experienced personally the value of their leadership and influence on educators.


My brief remarks were focused on their shared leadership and contributions to education.

I used inspirational quotes from U.S. Presidents to frame my remarks.


“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

John Quincy Adams


This quote, to me, has epitomized the role of our instructors/leaders over the last three decades in working with educators. They are more than just instructors on the effective use of technology in the classroom but leaders that have inspired and motivated tens of thousands of educators.

The day itself was focused on four main areas. Pedagogy, content, technology and instructional practices with adults. These areas have been the pillars of our community and professional learning.

And the best part of the professional learning day was that it was truly teachers teaching teachers. The curriculum of the sessions were designed by the instructors, and the sessions themselves were led by the instructors.
T3 is also referenced as Teachers Teaching Teachers, and it is this foundation that has made the effect of the community so powerful.


“Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it, because it stands on the shoulders of that generation.”

Ronald Reagan


Building upon the words of Isaac Newton, Reagan summarized a key element in the success of Teachers Teaching with Technology.  The T3 community is based on sharing and helping others. From the founders, Bert Waites and Frank Demana, we have continued to grow and learn because of this principle.


I asked those in the room to stand up if they joined in the first decade, then the second decade and finally the third decade.
It was wonderful to see the distribution across the years. It is encouraging the community continues to remain robust as it learns and grows. Those who were there at the start cultivate and share with those who have come after them. Those who have come after, join the community to strengthen and expand the contributions to educators and classroom teachers.


My final quote illustrates what has helped the community make such a significant impact on the lives of so many educators.


“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

John F. Kennedy


Teachers Teaching with Technology is made up of educators who themselves are committed to lifelong learning. Not only are they leaders they are also learners themselves. The hallmark of a successful educator. We come together each year and often other times for the purpose of learning.
It was a joy to address them.


-Kevin Spry

Manager, T3 Professional Development
(former classroom teacher and always a lifelong learner)



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