Use Technology to See, to Ask, and to Think

Use Technology to See, to Ask, and to Think

Leverage tools. See. Question. Think. Show what you know. Learn. We want every learner in our care to be able to say I can attend to precision. But, what if they can’t? How are we practicing, teaching, and growing as we attend to precision? What is your precise answer to the question: What is a fraction? Is your answer descriptive, clear, and precise for a 5th grader? a 6th grader? a 7th grader? You see where I’m going, right? What if we use technology to visualize new concepts and interact with math to investigate and learn? What if we pair a process learning progression with a content learning progression? I can explain and illustrate that a fraction a/b is the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b, and I…
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