Handheld Graphing Calculators Still Make a Difference!

Handheld Graphing Calculators Still Make a Difference!

Classroom Practices, Professional Learning, Technology
As Schools Adopt General-purpose Technology for Classrooms, Handheld Graphing Calculators Still Make a Difference in Math Instruction   A career spent teaching high school math can bring about some revelations. You’ll start to notice patterns over the years: math content remains unchanged (although statistics did sneak in a bit); students’ fashion trends fade away and return; and the latest way to improve learning becomes a big focus in schools one year, but disappears completely the next.   Still, year after year, for over 30 years, I have considered graphing calculators as core to my instruction. The best teachers around the world use graphing calculators in their classrooms, so I typically don’t have to defend their purpose to math educators. Yes, you can crunch numbers and display graphs; those are certainly…
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